Unity SpiritGroups Program Leader

Classes will begin the week of August 5, 2024, and run through the week of November 18, 2024. 

The Unity SpiritGroups Program Leader Training keeps classes small, so we offer them at different times throughout the week. Trainees must commit to one specific day and time for the entire course. The available class times are Monday evenings from 7:00-8:45 pm CT or Thursday mornings from 9:30-11:15 am CT. If more than 16 students register, we will also offer a Tuesday afternoon class.
We meet for three weeks each month, giving you the fourth week to process the information and work on homework. The specific dates for each month will be listed in the syllabus, which will be sent to each student upon completing the course application.
The course costs $1500. Needs-based scholarships are available. To apply for a scholarship, go to the Instructor Resources section under the Education tab. Then, click on Forms and Resources, followed by Resources for Students.

  • Certificated Program Leaders please plan to join us for our first annual online retreat on January 11. We will have several breakout sessions filled with connection, information, inspiration, and plans for implementation. Details coming soon!


  • Mark your calendars for the 2025 Annual Leadership Summit to be held at Unity Village, June 13-15, 2025. Stay tuned for more information!

Unity SpiritGroups Leadership Training Program


Dandelion USG

"Initially, it seemed a bit ridiculous to me to think that by starting a small community, we could somehow change the world, but now, it seems more ridiculous to me to think that somehow the world will change if we don't do something." 

~ Episcopal Priest Becca Stevens


What is Unity SpiritGroups?

Unity SpiritGroups isn’t the next best thing. It is one of THE things that, when administered effectively, will enrich, and enhance the ministry experience for your current members and will offer growth opportunities for your future members within the ministry.


UWM is taking Charles’ teachings and experiences into the present and future of mission-centric ministries. Following 50 years of research and practice, Unity SpiritGroups curriculum takes small group ministry to the next several levels. The Unity SpiritGroups Team supports the Unity SpiritGroups Program Leader-in-training through their planning and launch phase, guiding them step-by step, answering every question, helping through every challenge. After they successfully complete and launch their Unity SpiritGroups in their ministries, work or volunteer environments, or wherever they are led to lead, we assist them in their practice with follow-up trainings weekly and monthly, as well as offering advanced trainings, refreshers, and collaboration time with other Unity SpiritGroups Program Leaders. Unity SpiritGroups Certified Program Leaders can serve as the Membership Directors of their ministries, among other things.

The Unity SpiritGroups Leader Certification Program is designed to facilitate the expansion of the concept of small group ministry and provide ministries, Unity and non-Unity alike, with the information, documents, training, support, advice, and planning to launch, lead, and nurture small groups.
Anyone who is interested in creating safe spaces that foster spiritual growth for individuals in group settings, while naturally growing their ministries and organizations can take this training course. You don’t need to be associated with a ministry; you only need the desire to learn how to lead. The program has no credentialing status in Unity churches or Unity Worldwide Ministries. 
SpiritGroups is a cohort-based learning community. Each class will build upon the previous one experientially. Classes for Unity SpiritGroups are not available individually.

Tuition is $1,500.00; Needs-based scholarships are available.

PLEASE NOTE: if you have not already enrolled in UWSI, you will need to that before applying for this program.

Click here to enroll in UWSI.

About small groups, Episcopal Priest Becca Stevens wrote:
“Initially, it seemed a bit ridiculous to me to think that by starting a small community, we could somehow change the world, but now, it seems more ridiculous to me to think that somehow the world will change if we don’t do something.  
Now, I can see that one loving gesture is practically divine. We have to do small things and believe a big difference is coming. It’s like the miraculous drops of water that seep through mountain limestone. They gather themselves into springs that flow into creeks that merge into rivers that find their way to oceans. Our work is to envision the drops as oceans. We do our small parts and know a powerful ocean of love and compassion is downstream. Each small gesture can lead to liberation. The bravest thing we can do in this world is not cling to old ideas or fear of judgment, but step out and just do something for love’s sake. . .
There is no secret formula to experiencing the sacred in our lives. It just takes practice and practicality. The deep truth of our lives and the fullness we are striving for don’t happen with someone giving us the code to deep knowledge. Meaning and faith are not secret things. Sometimes what we need most is to remind one another of how the divine is all around us, calling us to see and taste it for ourselves.”

It is true! Small things do make a big difference. Since, the ministries where Unity SpiritGroups are being led with structure and creativity are experiencing spiritual and physical growth. 

Click here for FAQ's

For more information about why you might want to introduce Unity SpiritGroups to your ministry, watch this YouTube video presented by

USG and Specialty Certificate Coordinator, Indira Huerta.

Questions? Contact Unity SpiritGroups Coordinator, Indira Huerta here.