Ministerial Program


Are you called to serve in Unity by...

Helping people discover and live their purpose and potential through a greater awareness of God? Inspiring others through your positive example of prayer and leadership? Providing practical teachings to help people live healthy prosperous lives? Leading communities of like-mined people on this positive path for Spiritual Living?


About the UWSI Ministerial and Religious Studies (M&RS) Program

Unity Worldwide Spiritual Institute’s M&RS cohort program offers a competency-based education that is a convenient, affordable, in-depth spiritual education to guide you to credentialing as a Unity minister. Our interactive online courses use current research to build your knowledge and skills in all aspects of ministry, while the rich experience of onsite residencies provide opportunities for building peer support with your cohort and real-world experience. The course facilitators and your peers will nurture and inspire you on your journey. Students interested in becoming an ordained Unity minister also need to apply for admission to Unity Worldwide Ministries Licensing and Ordination ministry path.

Competency-based Education

"Competency-based education is a method of academic instruction and evaluation based upon students demonstrating their mastery of a subject. This method focuses on having students “show what they know” and applying the concepts they’ve learned to evaluations that show they’ve truly grasped the subject."  ~ Will Erstad

Benefits of Competency-based learning

Competency based learning

1. Growth. Shifts the conversation from compliance to growth.
2. Agency. Leaves room for students to have greater say in how they want to demonstrate target skills.
3. Pace. Allows students to progress at their own pace without comparing themselves to peers or introducing failure.
4. Efficiency. Less time tracking work leaves more time guiding students through an authentic inquiry-based experience.
5. Portability. Competency-based education rubrics become benchmarks for skills that transfer across settings, allowing teachers to meet students where they are and save valuable time.

Kolb's Experiential Learning Cycle is used to create our interactive immersive experiences. 

Components of Kolb's Learning Cycle

Concrete Experiencing: The learners have a new experience or interprets a previous experience. 

Reflective Observation: The learners look at situations from different viewpoints and reflects on it to understand what it means. They create opinions based on their thoughts and feelings.

Abstract Conceptualization: Reflection gives rise to a new idea, or a modification of an existing abstract concept (the person has learned from their experience).

Active Experimentation: Learners take a practical approach rather than simply observing a situation. They apply their learning to real-world situations to test whether they work and see if any changes are needed. 


Individuals learn best through direct, hands-on experiences.


ActiveActive Engagement

Learning is most effective when individuals actively engage with the content.

ImmediateImmediate Application

The goal is to combine theory with practice, ensuring that learning is relevant and useful. 

PersonalizedPersonalized Learning

Tailoring experiences to the needs and interests of learners enhances the effectiveness. 

CollaborationCollaboration & Interaction

Group activities and interactive experiences promote shared knowledge and diverse perspectives. 

ProgressiveProgressive Complexity

Building on foundational knowledge, learners take on more challenging tasks as they progress. 

FeedbackContinuous Feedback

Constructive feedback helps learners refine their understanding and skills throughout the learning journey and engages them in the process.

Enhanced Retention


Learners are more likely to remember and apply concepts encountered in real-world scenarios.

Critical Thinking Skills

Critical Thinking

Learners develop the skills to analyze situations, make decisions, and adapt to changing circumstances.

Improved Motivation 

Improved Motivation

Learners are more motivated to explore and understand topics when they can see the real-world relevance.

Real-world Application


Experiential learning bridges the gap between theory and practice. Knowledge gain is immediately applicable.

Holistic Understanding


This multifaceted approach contributes to a deeper and more nuanced comprehension of subject matter.

Development of Soft Skills

Soft Skills

Learners develop interpersonal skills that are valuable in both academic and professional settings.

Increased Self-confidence


Successfully navigating real-world challenges builds self-confidence. Learners are more self-assured in their abilities.

Preparation for Workforce


Graduates are better prepared for the demands of the workforce, having already gained practical skills and experiences.

Adaptability and Flexibility


Diverse experiences fosters adaptability. Learners become more flexible in their thinking and better equipped to handle dynamic and evolving situations.

Intrinsic Motivation

Intrinsic Motivation

The joy of discovery and accomplishment becomes a driving force for continued learning.

Long-Lasting Impact


The memorable nature of hands-on activities leaves a lasting impression that contributes to a sustained interest in the subject matter.

Growth Mindset & Lifelong Learning


Individuals become more open to exploring new ideas and acquiring knowledge beyond formal educational settings.

Ministerial Program Structure

Structure Our ministerial program is a two-year cohort program that is made up of four terms.

  1. The cohort stays together for 2-years. Each cohort has a cohort leader.

  2. In each term there is either one 10-week or two 5-week immersive experiences.

  3. The immersive experiences' content is available, online, through Canvas. The weekly live session is held via Microsoft Teams.

  4. There are two required onsite residencies per year, one in June during the Unity Convention and one in February during the Annual Summit.

18 Prerequisite courses must be successfully completed before applying for a ministerial path. These courses may be obtained through UWSI, UUMS or a Unity center.  These courses are:

Spiritual Studies

  • Overview: Hebrew Scriptures
  • Bible Interpretation: Hebrew Scriptures
  • Overview: Christian Scriptures
  • Bible Interpretation: Acts-Revelation

Historical and Theological Studies

  • Foundations of Unity
  • Healing and Wholeness*
  • History of New Thought and Unity
  • Twelve Powers*
  • Prosperity
  • The Christ
  • Jesus' Teachings
  • Metaphysics 1
  • Metaphysics 2
  • Metaphysics 3
  • Metaphysics 4

Spiritual Personal Development

  • Self-Awareness
  • Meditation Practices*
  • Unity Prayer*

*If you have taken these courses more than 10 years ago, it may be possible to obtain equivalencies for these courses. To learn more, please contact Credentialing Coordinator, Rev. Lynn O'Dell.

In order to begin taking courses, you will first need to enroll in UWSI. Click here to enroll in UWSI.

To see details on these prerequisite courses, please visit the page here.

Learning Cohort

To be placed in a learning cohort, a prospective student must first go through admissions and be accepted into the M&RS program. Admissions occurs twice a year but each cohort is launched in June. For more information on the admissions process, please click here

Each cohort stays together for the two years of the program. The cohort members work together, support one another, and make life-long bonds that will support them throughout their ministerial career. 

Cohort Leaders

Each cohort has Cohort Leaders who are responsible for:

  • Assisting each student with their ministerial development plan
  • Providing general support
  • Assisting with the credentialing progress reviews
  • Additional skill development
  • Providing guidance
  • The program is two-years long and each year consists of four terms:
    • Summer (June)
    • Fall (September)
    • Winter (January)
    • Spring (March)
  • Each term offers one online immersive experience
  • Onsite residencies (at Unity Village) are offered in the Summer and Winter terms. The residencies are one-week long.
Course Schedule





Additional Credentialing Courses Needed
  • UWM Overview
    • 7-week, online course
    • Offered twice a year, Spring & Fall
  • Teen Event
    • Attend and participate in a regional or national teen event. (A training does not fulfill the requirement)
    • Offered in regions and through Unity Worldwide Ministries (For more information contact Rev. Diane Venzera)
  • Credo
    • Completing your Credo is up to a 2-year process
    • It will be facilitated by the Cohort Leader
Canvas Learning Management System

Our courses and immersive experiences are offer through Canvas.

CanvasCanvas is used for:

  1. Course/immersive experience self-directed learning assignments

  2. Graded assignments

  3. Student link to live session

  4. Course emails


Canvas Content

Canvas Credentials: Pathways

Canvas Credentials Pathways provide the ability for badge program administrators to map out badged curriculum in a format that is easy-to-follow for learners. Admins can track group and individual progress on the pathway and award milestone badges automatically. Learners can track their own progress and look ahead to plan the next steps in their learning journey.


Canvas Credentials: Badging

Canvas Credentials is a digital badging platform that awards badges based on predefined earning criteria. Badges are earned and awarded when specified requirements are met at the course, department, or school/college/unit level. Canvas Credentials is a stand-alone instance. Badges may be awarded within Canvas courses or externally.


Microsoft Teams

TeamsMicrosoft Teams is the online platform used for all live sessions with Unity Worldwide Spiritual Institute.

  1. Each student and facilitator with have both a Microsoft 365 and a Canvas account.

  2. UWSI email addresses will be issued for all students and facilitators.


Teams Screen

M&RS Program Costs


  • 8 Terms (4/year) @ $1200 = $9600


  • Between $500 & $1000 for the two years

4 Onsite Residencies

  • Costs vary:
    • UWSI pays for onsite housing and registration for Convention and the Annual Summit
    • Students are responsible for their travel and food

If you are a current student or facilitator, you can access Canvas & Teams through the buttons below. You will need your UWSI email & password.

Contact Us

For more information about becoming a Unity Credentialed Leader, please visit the Become a Credentialed Unity Leader.

If you are a current Ministerial student, and have questions about classes or class registration, contact the UWSI Education department.

Our address is Unity Worldwide Ministries, 200 Unity Circle North, Suite A, Lee’s Summit, MO 64086.