UWM Convention

Leadership Intelligence: Leading with Insight & Innovation

We're excited to announce our convention theme for 2025, “Leadership Intelligence: Leading with Insight & Innovation” June 16-19 at the Sheraton Hotel & Conference Center in Overland Park, Kansas. Our featured speaker will be the amazing Rev. Jim Rosemergy.

Convention Details

Registration Now Open

Registration Open

To register, click the link below:


Pricing Options

Full Convention & Banquet (Includes Friday LUT Event*)

  • Jan 31 to April 30: $650.00
  • May 1 to May 26: $750.00

INTERNATIONAL Full Convention & Banquet (Includes Friday LUT Event*) (Includes Canada)

  • Jan 31 to May 26: $500.00

Online Only Convention (Includes Jim Rosemergy Interactive Experience & 3 Zoom Breakout Sessions)

  • Jan 31 to May 26: $350.00

LUT Event, Friday Only - If not attending full convention (Open only to LUTs, Lunch included) 

  • Jan 31 to May 26: $75.00

Kids Camp (Tues-Thurs, ages 4 to 12)

  • Jan 31 to May 26: $150

Guest Banquet Ticket

  • Jan 31 to May 26: $80.00


* NOTE: LUT event is in English and is open only to Licensed Unity Teachers.

The 2025 Unity Convention returns to the Sheraton Overland Park Hotel at the Convention Center in Overland Park Kansas. 

Book Room by May 26, Use the Link Below:

Book your group rate for Unity Worldwide 2025 Attendees


Sheraton Hotel & Conference Center - Overland Park, KS


2001: A Space Odyssey

Banquet Theme

Become a Vendor and take advantage of the opportunity to offer your goods and services to UWM Convention guests.

During the convention, Exhibitors will be open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., daily, Tuesday through Thursday, June 17-19, 2025.

Exhibitor Fees:

Single Table $300.00 

Double Table $575.00 

Fee includes (1 Single) 6ft skirted table with 2 chairs or (2 Double) Two 6ft skirted tables with 4 chairs.

To reserve your spot email Rachel Frazier for the application at rfrazier@unity.org and have it submitted by April 30, 2025.


Q: What if I've purchased a ticket for 2025 but cannot attend?
A: 2025 Convention tickets are non-refundable and do not roll over to future years. Please email Joy Perrie if you wish to donate your ticket or sell your ticket to someone else.

Q: When does registration open?
A: Registration will  open at the end of January 2025 at an early-bird rate of $650.

Q: If I'm already registered, can I purchase additional ticket options?
A: Absolutely! Additional ticket options will be available at the end of January 2025.

Q: Will there be a business meeting during Convention?
A: No. At the business meeting held during the 2023 Convention, a vote was cast to separate the Annual Business Meeting from future conventions going forward. This was affirmatively passed, with an amended stipulation the business meeting will always be in hybrid or online-only formats. Date for the 2025 business meeting TBD.

Q: How do I connect with other attendees, see if anyone can share a room, and schedule times to meet up with my ministerial colleagues?
A: All of this can be done through Whova, the official Convention app and use the community forum, post pictures, ask questions, etc. Download details are below. 

Workshop Descriptions
Tuesday, June 17 - 2:00 to 3:30 pm

Finding Your Voice, Telling Your Story – Beverly Elliot

Initially, participants will be on their feet learning basic breath work and connection to their body through acting exercises and breath work techniques. Then we will do acting exercises, igniting the imagination and finding freedom from self-consciousness. Following that we will do several writing exercises, tapping into the subconscious and memory, using all 5 senses. The participants will share their writing and leave with an introduction to storytelling and writing from their own voice.

Saying No With Power, Denials for Deliverance – Nat Carter

A Unity perspective on “deliver us from evil” and “casting out demons” using Catholic, New Age, New Thought and Biblical materials. Sometimes a denial process requires more than “sweeping out cobwebs”.

Leading from Your Whole Self, An Ayurvedic Journey – Pamela Gutierrez

Unity Metaphysics describes Personality and Individuality. Ayurveda, an ancient medical system from India, has similar terms: vikruti, one’s current state, and prakruti, one’s perfect state of balance and health. Healing is the movement from where you are today to realization of your Divine Nature. Living into your Individuality brings awareness to your strengths as a leader. In this workshop, each learner will discover their vikruti and prakruti and leave with tools for healing and leading.


Tuesday, June 17 - 4:00 to 5:30 pm

Latin Dancing: Moving Your Soul to Your Soles – Johnnys & Jack Hartog

This “Latin Dance” class is for those who want to experience and try their hands (and feet) at dancing to various Latin rhythms with Johanny’s original spiritual music. The workshop will stress fun exercise through dance. This class is less than one hour. It will be bilingual (in Spanish as well as English).

Somatic Intelligence – Linda Hancock

Take action to become a better leader by developing your somatic intelligence. It starts with being more fluent in the language of the body. Discern how your body talks to you, and empowers you to make wise choices. Attune to your body-mind, heighten your awareness, sharpen your senses, stimulate your creativity and deepen your intuition as you mindfully reconnect with yourself. Prepare to move in this sensory workshop. Wear clothing that allows ease of movement. Bring a yoga mat or blanket to class with you.

Sacred Play, Our DNA of Play – Marcia McCartney

The community that plays together stays together and thrives! Bringing Sacred Play into all our interactions as leaders and congregates creates harmony and joy into all our connections as a community of faith. Sacred Play is a value that cultivates trust, deep joy and connection. When we remember how to ‘play together as the family of humanity’ we create the shared value of respect and joy at our core. “When we put more Joy/Play back into religion there will be more joy in our world.” Charles Fillmore

Wednesday, June 18 - 2:00 to 3:30 pm

Integral Ethics – Jane Simmons & Joanne Burns (Ethics Credit)

Exploration of integral Ethics through the lens of the spiral dynamics, the four-quadrant model, the four pillars of transformation: wake up, grow up, clean up, and show up.

Shifting from Tier One to Tier Two Ways of Being – Charlotte LeHecka

Our ministries are Living systems in which incongruences can show up. It requires our spiritual community to ask itself: 

  • How are our leaders exhibiting/not exhibiting emotionally and spiritually mature behavior? 
  • How does our mission impact the kinds of structures and systems we put into place? 
  • How effective have we been in shifting our culture, healing our shadow sides as a congregation? 
  • How does the community now choose to relate to one another? 

The Contemplative Leader – Joni Lorraine & Robert Brumet

Join us for this experiential workshop, where you’ll explore how Contemplative Leadership enhances spiritual growth, can inspire transformation in Unity congregations, and in our movement. By cultivating a contemplative mind set, leaders can navigate complex issues with patience and openness that permits growth, connection and deepening of self. Using and integrating mindfulness and intuitive decision-making, Contemplative Leadership emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and empathy. Its approach fosters creativity and compassion by encouraging ministers and spiritual leaders to engage deeply with their divine nature, their congregations and with the world around them.

Growing Younger Ministers – Miranda Koberg (Diversity)

Cultivate a deep love for Unity teachings in youth and young adults and learn essential steps to inspire them to explore ministry as a passion and career. This workshop will provide practical tools and insights to help nurture future spiritual leaders, guiding them from curiosity to commitment in pursuing a path within Unity ministry. Empower the next generation to lead with  purpose  and heart!

Where Do We Go From Here – Vernelle Nelson

We all have opinions about the election results. For the first time since the 19th century, the nation is more divided than ever. Where do Unity principles fit in? As leaders, we must be agents for healing our congregants and therefore, be healing agents in the world. We cannot do that before first looking within and making a commitment to honor and validate the feelings, thoughts, ideas and beliefs that aren’t necessarily our own.

Wednesday, June 18, 4:00 to 5:30 pm

Moving from Predict & Control to Sense & Response – Gary & Jane Simmons

This workshop looks at Emergence as Leadership Intelligence. Ministry leadership by default focuses on predict and control strategies to minimize stress/discomfort. In these liminal times where planning and goal setting can be upended by life circumstances and alternative approach is needed. Emergence as leadership intelligence, enables leaders to access the field of infinite possibilities and leverage the disruptions of life to be evolutionary drivers rather than problems to solve.

Expressions of Unity: Small Group Ministry Reimagined – Glenda Walden

Applying present-day information on ministry development and growth with the ancient wisdom of small group ministry, the UWM Education Team has reimagined Unity Small Group Ministry. This workshop will encourage participants to imagine the benefits of small group ministry within their communities and prepare them for the implementation of small group ministry in dynamic and innovative ways.

Transcending Language & Cultural Differences – Johnnys & Jack Hartog (Diversity)

The workshop will focus on overcoming language and culture obstacles to integrating Spanish speaking (Hispanic) populations and American English speakers into Unity ministries. The workshop will stress the importance of addressing leadership issues before taking on these challenges and then creatively and organically over time creating and integrated ministry.

Flourishing Ecological Leadership – Kathy Harwood Long & Eliasa Sabogal

Participants will explore and engage new ideas for interactive ministry which fuels personal ownership and engagement in sacred ecology values. As leaders in ministry. Rev. Kathy and Rev. Eliasa share tried and true ideas to inspire and engage ecological leadership on Sunday’s and beyond.

Principles for How We Treat One Another – Roxanne Graves & Diana Kennedy (Ethics)

Teaching the principles of peaceful, inclusive, and equitable communication.



Thursday, June 19, 1:30 to 3:00 pm

Beyond our Walls – Daybree Thoms (Diversity)

Beyond Our Walls is the focus of expanding our traditional special services, events and teachings beyond the walls of the church to the community-at-large, exposing more and more people to the core teachings of Unity. Beyond Our Walls is being Unity; subtly or not so subtly, presenting Unity concepts and Truth teachings outside the church building, by being who we are and spreading the gifts of love, acceptance & affirmations. This is accomplished by taking Unity to more public locations, also expanding inclusivity.

Answer the Call – Glenda Walden

Have you had the call to do more, be more, to become a Unity Minister? Now what? Explore the purpose of ministry and the many facets and unique expressions of ministry with the Unity movement. Identify your unique gifts to ministry and begin discerning which ministry path is the right one for you.

Transitioning from Y.O.U.er to Congregant – Miranda Koberg

Learn practical strategies to keep Youth of Unity (Y.O.U.) graduates engaged in your Unity community, whether they remain local or head off to college. This workshop will explore effective ways to foster continued involvement, build meaningful connections, and create a supportive environment that encourages young adults to stay connected with their spiritual home after high school. Discover how to make this crucial transition seamless and successful.

From Me to We: Practices for Deep Connection – Stacey Guenther

What happens when we intentionally shift our focus of awareness and spiritual practice from vertical (between me and God) to horizontal (between all of us and God)? We traditionally think of spiritual practice as a means to build a relationship with the Divine while learning to know and love ourselves fully. Dr. Stacey invites us to build on that foundation by widening to include finding deep connections with other people. This workshop is based on her research and consulting work.


Convention Schedules
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