"The value of all service lies in the spirit in which you serve and not in the importance or magnitude of the service. Even the lowliest task or deed is made holy, joyous, and prosperous when it is filled with love."
~ Charles Fillmore, Unity Co-Founder
Regional Advisory Council (Reports to the Board)
Meets 2nd Wednesday of each month virtually.
Chair: Cheryl Fare – Send Email
Board Liaisons: Chair and/or 1st Vice-Chair
Staff Rep: Roxanne Graves – Send Email
1. Facilitate communication inter-regionally with regional board peers to share best practices, create personal connection, and collaborate on how to meet common needs, identify common interests, and solve common problems facing regions.
2. Be a vehicle for regional boards and members to connect and communicate with the UWM Board and Leadership Team as an ongoing practice to clarify understanding, solve problems, share ideas, and offer suggestions and recommendations to our UWM Board.
3. Communicate to our UWM Board any support, questions, or concerns related to the field impact of current or potential decisions and policies being deliberated or adopted by the UWM Board.
International Advisory Council (Reports to the Board)
Meets quarterly virtually, face-to-face at convention.
Chair: Tim Lytle – Send Email
Staff Liaison: Claudia Maltos-Young – Send Email
To come together as the Council of International Leaders in Unity to pray, to share ideas, to create projects and proposals, and to advise and work with the UWM Board of Trustees to further the International Unity Movement.
Balcony Team (Reports to Staff)
Meets quarterly virtually.
Diane Venzera, Sandra Campbell, Shawn Moninger, Lynn O’Dell
- To support the existing education paths.
- To explore growth opportunities and guidelines for the future.
Bylaws (Reports to the Board)
Meets as needed virtually.
Chair: Diane Sickler – Send Email
Board Liaison: Russell Heiland Send Email
Staff Rep: Roxanne Graves – Send Email
1. Review the UWM Bylaws for possible amendments.
2. Review the recommended bylaws if needed.
Credentialing Team (Reports to the Board)
Meets as needed virtually.
Co-Chair(s): Brenda Ehret – Send Email & Diana Taylor – Send Email
Staff Rep: Lynn O’Dell – Send Email
Evaluate applications and candidates for both the Licensed Unity Teacher and Ministerial paths, as well as provides ongoing progress feedback throughout their credentialing process. As candidates complete their program the credentialing team provides recommendations in regard to and licensing and ordination.
Credentialing – International Team (Reports to the Board)
Meets as needed virtually.
Chair: English Speaking – Helen Wilcox-Evwaraye – Send Email; Spanish Speaking – Luzette Rivera-Diez – Send Email
Staff Rep: Claudia Maltos-Young – Send Email
Evaluate applications for licensing and ordination of ministerial candidates and licensing of teachers residing outside the United States.
EarthCare (Reports to the Board)
Meets monthly virtually.
Chair: Mike McCord – Send Email
Staff Rep: Roxanne Graves – Send Email
The Unity EarthCare Team supports Unity Worldwide Ministries in fostering the awareness of our spiritual oneness with our Earth home and promoting active care of creation.
Finance & Budget Team (Reports to the Board)
Meets monthly virtually; 3rd Tuesday.
Chair: Don Barton – Send Email
Staff Rep: Dana Grissom – Send Email
Assumes responsibility to review, recommend, and monitor the fiscal affairs of UWM to ensure good financial management of all funds.
Interfaith & Intercultural Ministry Team (Reports to the Board)
Meets monthly/quarterly as needed virtually.
Chair: Victoria Etchemendy – Send Email
Board Liaison(s): Tim Lytle, Valerie Mansfield
To promote local, national, and international goodwill and cooperation in expanding common ground. This is a time in our history when the Unity movement can be a unifying voice in a diverse spiritual and cultural world.
Helping Unity Grow [HUG] & LEAP (Reports to the Board)
Meets as needed virtually.
Chair: Jane Hiatt – Send Email
Staff Rep: Dana Grissom – Send Email
Provide financial assistance to Unity ministries for expansion and growth of the individual ministry and ultimately the Unity movement.
Leadership, Recruitment, & Development Team [LRDT] (Reports to the Board)
Meets 1st Thursday of each month virtually.
Chair: Ellen Fannin - Send Email
Board Liaison: 1st Vice-Chair
Staff Rep: Roxanne Graves – Send Email
Search out qualified active leaders who are committed to the mission, vision, goals, values, and beliefs of UWM. This ministry team is empowered by UWM to select candidates for election to the Board of Trustees and for election to the Leadership Recruitment and Development Team.
Licensed Unity Teachers Team (Reports to the Board)
Team is still forming so no set meeting time.
Chair: Wendy Karr – Send Email
Staff Rep: Diane Venzera - Send Email
To discuss purpose and role in a ministry.
Music (Reports to the Board)
Team meets virtually monthly.
Chair: Sue Riley – Send Email
Board Liaison: none at this time
Promote the development of a variety of high-quality and educational materials appropriate for use in New Thought ministries and to increase and enhance the availability of such resources and materials through -
1. a monthly newsletter,
2. yearly music conference, and
3. by partnering with UWM development teams to coordinate music program growth and resource awareness.
Social Action Team (Reports to the Board for final approval of statement)
Team meets when a statement is needed.
Chair: To Be Determined
Board Liaison: Russell Heiland – Send Email
Staff Rep: Roxanne Graves – Send Email
As an expression of our Principles and universal Truths, Unity Worldwide Ministries, takes positions on relevant issues of social justice. We create statements that bear witness to the world on issues of social justice and in coalition with other faith and social justice organizations we will at times consider signing on to letters or other statements magnifying our impact in the larger world.
Standards Ministry Team (Reports to the Board)
Meets 3rd Tuesday of each month virtually.
Co-Chairs: Pat Bessey – Send Email; Charli Tupper – Send Email
Board Liaison: Russell Heiland Send Email
Staff Rep: Joanne Burns – Send Email, Roxanne Graves – Send Email
Comprised of Regional Representatives. The role of Regional Representatives is twofold:
1. Serving on the UWM Standards Team: The team reports to the UWM Board of Trustees and works with UWM staff to promote standards of professional excellence for UWM in the United States and Canada. Regional Representatives serve as liaison between their respective regions and the UWM Board and staff.
2. Serving within their respective region: The Regional Representative reports to their Regional Board. They act as the liaison between their Regional Board and the ministers, spiritual leaders, and ministries within their region. They are elected or appointed by their region in accordance with the qualifications set forth herein.