Posted 11/16/23 | UPDATED 3/14/24
Unity Center of Cedar Rapids
3791 Blairs Ferry Rd NE
Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
Category: Minister Full-Time or Part-Time (30 Hours/Week Minimum)
Average Sunday Attendance: 74 in person, 12 online
Salary: $50,000/year full-time (Pro-rated for part-time: 32 hours/week = $40,000, 30 hours/week = $37,500)
Moving Expenses Paid: Yes, up to 5,000
Welcome home! Unity Center of Cedar Rapids is an active, dynamic, inclusive spiritual community that is joyously celebrating our 100-year anniversary this September. That’s right, we’ve been around for a century!
We are seeking an inspirational leader and dynamic speaker who is open, kind, approachable, and who celebrates the loving presence of all individuals. UCR’s vibrant, welcoming culture is one that thrives with the efforts of our 3 (soon to be 4,) Licensed Unity Teachers, a Licensed Spiritual Practitioner, and an enthusiastic congregation that pitches in through shared leadership to provide everyone opportunities to shine their Divine light. Inspiration and joy also come from our outstanding musical ministry led by our minister of music and an active events calendar including book studies, Unity spiritual classes, game nights, karaoke, concerts, artistic pursuits, and more.
With only nine ministers during our 100 years of existence, Unity Center of Cedar Rapids is committed to engaging all in a spiritually healthy, thriving and loving commUnity to enrich all who join us.
To apply, please send your resume to:
Click the link below to view the full Church Packet.
Church Packet Updated 3/14/24
The contact information and financials will be sent upon request to qualified applicants.